Monday, October 24, 2022

Judging Photo Shows Pt. 4

 (If you're just joining, I am doing a series on judging photo shows. You can click the "Judging Photo Shows Series" label at the bottom of the post to see other posts in the series.)


Today's post is on color, condition, and workmanship. Nothing here is hard, just a nice easy post this time. :)

For color, we can refer to our breed standard (or our makeshift one). Remember that sometimes a color can happen in the breed that is not accepted in the registry. In this case, I like to see the shower make a tack-on to their reference stating that they are aware of the discrepancy. If this is not included, I may subtract a few points. It depends. In paint the color is really easy. Nobody in the class has a problem with their color abilities, so this factor does not change my ranking.

Next is condition. I don't want to see your carpet herd models. I'm looking for clean, well kept, not damaged horses. Rubs and scratches seriously knock you down the list, while a break essentially takes you right out of the running. None of the contenders have any notable problems with condition so this doesn't affect my ranking either.

⬆Carpet Herd Model⬆
⬇Show Herd Model⬇

Lastly, you want to consider workmanship. Many (if not most) collectors consider workmanship as only applying to CM and AR. This is FALSE. Judges care just as much about the quality and intricacy of your OF. This means clean masking, great shading, nice roaning, etc. It also rests a lot on the degree of difficulty.
After considering the workmanship aspect, I switch around two sets of models. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with one model, but more things right with another. That is a terrible description of the degree of difficulty, but it is all I have in me today. You know what I mean, and if not, search Braymere's blog for degree of difficulty posts. :)

My final list is here. This is how I really placed the class in the end.

This is it, the last post of the series. Thank you for hanging with me! I'll be back to normal posts now. As always, if you have questions, go ahead and comment! Or shoot me an email.

In other news, CONGRATS to Equiden of for 500 blog hits!!! Way to go! Here's wishing you 5 million more! 🥳

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for doing this series! I found it very interesting to see another judge's perspective and opinions. :)


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