Friday, August 19, 2022

TSC SRs: The Sequel

Shockingly, two of the three Traditional TSC SRs popped up on the TSC website this morning. I would not have known about them if it wasn't for equiden posting on her blog (thank you equiden!). I didn't plan on starting to look for the next 2-3 weeks or so.

The ones available at the time of this writing are "Zeke" (the Zippo) and "Jolene" (the Lady Phase). As some of you may recall from my previous post, I was not originally planning on buying Zeke. I usually don't like Breyer's black paints. However, Zeke's stock image surpassed my expectations and I found him in my cart along with Jolene.

I am blessed enough to have a location that will ship both of them to my store for pick-up, so I don't even have to pay shipping! There are some Zeke's and Jolene's in-person at a store 2+hrs from me, but I wasn't looking for a drive this week. Thankfully my estimated wait time is 10-15 days, so it's not a horrible wait. :) Now, fingers crossed I get nice ones. 🤞

Hopefully "Ashton" (the Latigo) shows up at my local store. I prefer to choose my shade of grey on him.

Jolene (Better image on the TSC website, blogger is giving me fits about URL uploading today. Same thing goes for Zeke's picture.)


  1. Awesome! I'm planning on buying Zeke when he eventually arrives at my local TSC. :)

  2. Will you just be getting Zeke, or Jolene too? :)
    I'm really glad they went with nice, soft pinking on his nose instead of that vibrant watermelon color. 🍉

  3. Most likely just Zeke, but I'd really need to see what Jolene looks like in person. Same goes with Ashton.
    Me too! Just imagine that their nose got a little sunburned 😂

  4. I love Jolene's detailed eyes. :)
    Lol, the color does match a sunburn pretty well. 😂


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