Saturday, December 3, 2022

Christmas Blanket!

 A couple days ago, I was lucky enough to win one of Horsiemama's giveaways. The prize was a beautiful NIP Breyer holiday Traditional blanket. To top it all off, the blanket was in my favorite holiday pattern Breyer has ever made! I'm a big sucker for cutesy Christmas designs.

Anyways, the blanket arrived today, accompanied by a sweet little note. Thank you Lynn! It is very much appreciated. I took photos, but they are horrible because of the weather. I will try to get better ones later next week (it's supposed to rain all weekend).

I mean seriously, this sort of muddy rain is just not okay in my book.

I chose to model it on Chablis (Idocus mold). He looks so handsome in it! Even if he is wearing an old, beat-up, outdated bridle. 😂

SDS Galactic Quest, AKA Weston, Bavarian WB, Bay Stallion.

So thank you very much to Lynn of, for hosting this super fun giveaway! (Pssst. . . she's doing another one RIGHT NOW!)

Speaking of blankets, I couldn't help but notice this funny goof when browsing my favorite tack shop's website:

Do you spot it? Yep, that's right, they accidentally listed those Breyer blankets at $94.95 each! They will probably pull the page and fix it soon, but it gave me a good laugh.

What about you? Have you ever seen a funny typo on a store's website? Share about it in the comments!


  1. Chablis looks so elegant in his holiday finery!

  2. Congrats! That blanket is super cute.

  3. Lynn is so wonderful! Congrats on the blanket


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