Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Not Today. . . Sorry (UPDATED)

Hey guys, just a heads-up that there is a post coming tomorrow but I can't today. I have a very close family member in the ER, and I don't really have the time to post. Or the focus, or anything really. Hopefully be back tomorrow with a customizing post. Once again sorry.

Btw, any and all prayers are greatly appreciated! She's very private, so I can't share any more info about it though.

Sorry for the short weirdness of this post. I have to go now.

UPDATE: 3-9-23

So no post again today. Thank the Lord (and I mean that sincerely) her life is fairly safe now. She received emergency surgery this morning, but has to be rushed to a larger facility for another emergency surgery. There is a very, very slight chance of a potentially life-threatening problem, but thankfully this larger hospital has a specialist on hand to deal with it. I'm so sorry guys, but no post again today. I haven't had any time at all, I've just been rushing around from place to place and caring for her pets (and kid). I'll try to stay up late tonight and get something written for tomorrow.

Prayers are very very much appreciated!


  1. That sounds really hard, but it sounds like God has been really good and provided the care that she needs. Thanks for keeping us in the loop and take all the time you need to get back to posting. I'll make sure to keep all of you in my prayers <3

  2. Oh no! I hope your family member is alright. If you can please tell her I am praying for her! It's okay if you don't write posts for awhile, thank you so much for keeping us updated. You don't have to write any posts, if you are taking care of her kid and puppy you should rest. Take care, AC.


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