Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Link to Guest Blog Post

 Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers!

Hope you all had a blessed Easter. He is risen!

I spent the day sleeping on the couch and watching bits and pieces of the Princess Bride over and over again because I kept dozing off at the good parts lol.  I'm feeling mostly better now but I'm swamped with things that still need done from the weekend. It will probably be a few more days before I put out a real post. :) In the meantime, here's a link to the guest post I wrote for Silver Web Studios: link .

Thanks for being patient and understanding!


  1. Adah
    I do hope you are feeling much better! Being sick is no fun! I am a new reader to your blog and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your post about Schelich, Palo and Collect A.
    I've been collecting Schelich's for *years* even before they became more popular with some collectors and one thing for sure, you *can* tell a difference in their molding style!! I don't buy Schelich as much as I used to because, yes, it looks like their quality is going downhill--but I will continue to buy their cats,dogs, farm and wild animals tho!! (My one pet peeve is thier insistence in braiding the manes & tails with ribbons! Enough already! That's what made an otherwise decent model look like a comical child's toy!)
    The same with Papo! To me, Palo doesn't know correct horse conformation nor movements Iam extremely picky about adding any to my collection--BUT--their other animals are to *die* for!! You can't believe the incredible detail some of them have!!
    Lastly, I am a die hard Collect A fan!! Their horses are fantastic for their scale!! Now they need to improve the quality of their other animals! ( the issue with some of them is the *correct* leg lenght!)
    MOJO is in there somewhere between Schelich and Collect A as far as their quality! You do have to be somewhat picky--but they do have nice stuff!
    Too bad some collectors can't appreciate all makes and models for what they are!(Ha!! Even Breyer isn't perfect!)

  2. Glad you are feeling better :) This was a very interesting article. I was never a huge 1:18 scale collector, but because I'm running out of space for larger scales I have started to take interest in smaller horses. I have a few Collect As and also have gotten a few WIA models recently. The quality is AMAZING. These horses are currently chilling on my dresser until I can find some self space for them.

  3. So glad you feel better! Thanks for the link, you did a great job! For 1:18th scale I prefer collecta, but I don't actually have one. I'm just going on how good they look in pictures, lol. Also schelich! I have a few. I customized one and it turned out great! AC


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