Friday, April 14, 2023

Mini Chips!

*Please pardon the terrible photos and lighting in this post, my camera's flash is not so hot and there was no natural light to speak of when I took these pics lol*

Right before I got sick last week, I purchased this cute printable from Etsy. I love printies, but I don't usually buy them. I got them printed here a few days ago and made them up right away. I loved my experience with the shop (I highly recommend them!!) and the printable itself is well made and really easy to work with.

I made mine one seam at a time using a binder clip to hold them together while the glue dried, and then stuffed each one with teensy tiny balls of tissue paper. To top it off, I gave each bag a coating of glossy nail lacquer. I made all of them but the Pringles and the Tostitos dip (I plan on making them too, I just haven't done it yet).

Which is your favorite? Mine is the Cheddar Sour Cream Ruffles®️ - the same as my real chips favorite!

These are advertised as 1:12 scale, and they are true to that, but they look fine with Traditionals too.

I'm thinking I may turn a few of them into earring sets (you can never have too many novelty earrings!).


  1. Cute! I like the Cheetos, ruffles and Frito chips.☺️AC


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