Wednesday, June 7, 2023

I'm Back!

As of today, it has officially been 1 week since I shut down this blog due to a pesky web crawler from Singapore. I am returning today, praying that the crawler doesn't come back. If it does, I don't know what to do.

During this past week, I have managed to finally finish the tutorial you guys have been wanting! That will be published tomorrow morning. No hints on what it is though! ;)

Sorry this is a short post, it is essentially a test to see if Mr. Spider Bot returns for a pleasant perusal of my personal property. Toes crossed and hands clasped in prayer he doesn't!


  1. Hi Adah!!!
    Glad to see you return!! I'm just discovering your blog and was shocked to see that I wasn't invited to read it any longer---and *of course* there was no way to reach you to ask you for an invite!! (I did not know you were having issues until I just read your 2 blog post!! ) Hopefully, it's corrected itself and you won't have any further problems!!
    I missed you!!

  2. I, too, was wondering what had happened when I got the permission denied remark.
    Glad you're back and hopefully the spider bots are a thing of the past.


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