Monday, November 21, 2022

SM Standing Stock Horse Custom: The Birth

As I mentioned in my last post, it's winter. Dead cold, white and slushy, icy and frozen, winter. A couple days ago, I was at my desk, and looking for a project to inspire me. I thought about polymer clay, I thought about needle-felting, etc. I finally settled on a SM body I had laying on my desk.

Rough shape, huh? Yeah. She used to be a whiteware paint and play Boomerang before someone used her as a test piece, and well, let's just say she'd had a rough go of it. I cleaned her up and sanded her, and took her off to the "priming chamber" AKA an old Bath & Bodyworks box in my basement.

The first coat of primer did wonders. I don't have a photo of the second coat.
After drying, she sat on the toolbench all of this morning, getting a little more air circulation.

Now she's upstairs, sitting on my laptop while I am typing. She's ready for her basecoat! I am planning on her being a flaxen chestnut overo, but she may decide otherwise. ;) They are often very opinionated! I will be chronicling her journey along the blog. I plan on taking her slowly, enjoying the process, and taking loads more time than I need. I want her to be a fun time filler, not a stress based deadline.

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