Sorry, I didn't mean to do a disappearing act! I was crazy busy this week, and was mostly offline (only logging on for essentials like email and messages, and a couple Christmas emergencies 😉). There will be at least two new arrival posts, I'm just waiting on getting perfect photos of them. 🙃
Anywhoo, Breyer's 2023 RR line is released! I was able to view the catalog during the brief time it was available online (now anywhere you find the link it asks for a log in pass code). I tried to hit all the new stuff in this post. Photos are screenshots of the catalog, so my apologies for the low quality!
I love these two! I will be tracking them down eventually. |
Handsome dude! I love those lightning socks. |
While not my favorite, this is a very nice commemorative release for Secretariat. I like the little resin. |
Such a cutie! I think the mold may need a rest, it's been so many barrel horses in the last 3 years. |
Here, I must again lament the noodle legged-ness of this mare. If she just had nicer forelegs, I would be all over her! But those legs are hard to get by. Really pretty color though! |
I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it! I really, really need this mare. She will be a welcome addition to the Spotted Dreams herd. I've wanted this color in a RR since Astrid came out in the PC! |
TOLD YA! They were real! I'm am so gonna need that Malik. The ASB is tempting (he looks just like the 70th Anniv. Hamilton) but I won't be getting him. The TB looks like Snowman, but the drafter is lovely! |
Nice new unicorn. |
New mare and foal, and the "TSC" mustangs will be sold after Christmas as well. |
This one is cute, even for a deco. I certainly won't be getting it, but it is very adorable. Nice mold choice. |
New buttermilk boy! Cute, but once again, not one I need. Poor pony, his rider is ginormous on him! |
Stablemate: |
That mare in the lower right looks like a re-release of this one (2018 Mystery Foal Surprise Family 12). |
This makes me happy! I want at least two of that Clydesdale, one to keep OF and one to paint. I like that SCO, ant that MFT. I'm undecided on the Darley. |
Joy, joy, joy! A new and delightful hunk of baby Fireheart! I want him. Many of him. Lots of him. So many customizing ideas! |
Mini Whinnies: |
I think there was a new BB series of MW too, but I didn't screenshot it in time. Darn those box barns! Gone are the days of fondling bags. |
Other Stuff: |
I just thought this page was interesting. This is "swag" for your brick and mortar store. |
Thanks for sharing the info about the catalog link! Now I have to replace the link with photos on my blog post XD