Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Flagship Susecion and Le Fire and Holiday Releases

Woo Hoo!!! The last of them are out, and aren't they beauties?

These ones are my favorites, they are our Flagship Models, Mariposa and Flor

I am not a fan of this one, but others will be!

I hope TSC gets this one next Black Friday, I'd like 1 or 2 to customize!

The vintage theme is cute!

Love this one! Even though I don't typically like unicorns, the mold is great. I hope he becomes a SM!

Was hoping for a less used mold, but they are nice.

Very well done! I was hoping for skijoring, but there's always next year. . .

On a scale of 1 to 10, how creepy do you think this guy will turn out? I'm gonna go with an 8 - creepo deluxe 😂

I'm a little unsure on the eyes, but the rest of him is divine, and I will definitely be getting him if my TSC does! That color is so unique! He kinda reminds me of Teamster.

So, who tugs at your heart strings? For me it is definitely the Susecion and Le Fire. 🤤 I'm already contacting my (not-so) local tack shop to see if they will be getting her!


  1. Highlander, the fjord mare, and the palomino mare and foal set! 🤤🤯I gotta getta job!(I'ma youngster.)

    1. And it doesn't help that the prices on most everything rose this year (again)! 😂

    2. Yeahhhh...I'm opting for photo showsand coloring contests. But I've been trying since 2021 February. I did just get an honorable mention tho? In coloring, so maybe? I hope they do the mare an Foal as a coloring sheet, it would be so much fun!!!


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