Thursday, May 11, 2023

SDS Current Hyperfixation

Shelby is here! Shelby number 2 that is. :) This is the Grulla Appy I traded for. His show name is SDS Current Hyperfixation. His barn name is undecided, I'm still trying to locate my notebook of unused names. 😅 I decided on the Pryor Mtn Mustang breed (see edit).
EDIT: Thank you CatholicMommy for reminding me about the Pryor Mtn Mustang limitations! I completely forgot about that - OOPS! He is now an American Mustang (generic type). :)

I absolutely adore this guy. I traded with the most wonderful trading partner, Pat Bishop. Pat was completely awesome, mailing within 24hrs of us agreeing on a time! As for packing, I think Breyer ought to have Pat do a workshop at BF on how to properly pack models for shipping. It was incredible! I wish I had taken photos. Double boxed, drowning in packing peanuts, supported on bubble wrap rolls. . . you get the idea! It was the best packing I have ever seen. Pat was super communicative and friendly! Quick to answer questions and send pics. Triple A+ from me! Pat is also happy with her bay, and is planning on showing him at a live show in KY this week. That made me happy! I hope he does well.

I LOVE that his hoof has this little notch sculpted in it!! It's so realistic for a wild horse.

Leg Barring! *insert me doing a happy dance*

This is such a cool element in his tail!


  1. So handsome! 😍
    Glad to hear you had a wonderful trading experience. :)

  2. Very handsome indeed! I love how depending on the photo angle Nakota can either look really mad or just a bit displeased. Can't wait to see the results of the poll for the custom you are making alongsides Equiden. Luck to both of you!

  3. Keep in mind with the Pryor Mountain Mustangs that they can not be appy!


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