Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Springtime Birds

This post is not really model horsey at all. Sorry. It was too cute to keep to myself!

There is a pair of robins nesting in the bush next to my garage. The babies hatched today!

Aren't they precious?? I'm so looking forward to watching them grow. The last photos here are of mama robin. :) 

I'm hoping to have a tutorial for you soon. It turns out I am exceptionally horrible at taking tutorial photos, so things are taking forever.

Oh, quick reminder, collab voting closes tomorrow! Hurry to vote!


  1. Wow! You take really good photos! Say hi to the mama and babies for me! Looking forward to the tutorial. Oh, and I voted a bit ago, it was fun. Can't wait! AC

  2. They're so cute! Can't wait for tutorials!


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