Sunday, January 1, 2023

Collection Collective ~ SDS Snow Meadow and SDS Don Quixote

 This will be the first post in the new style of highlighting various models in my collection while I go about retaking all their show images. Yesterday I spent the afternoon sitting on the wet concrete in front of my porch while taking images for about half of my SM collection. Several weren't as good as I was hoping, so I will have at least two more sessions before SMs are "finished" (anyone who shows knows that photos are never really finished, there will always be something to improve).

I'm calling this feature "Collection Collective". If you can think of a better title, I'd love to hear it! Please comment it down below!

Now, back to the topic. I'm highlighting two SMs today. The first is a CWB (surprise, surprise). This release is the "Warmblood" from the SM Single Horse Assortment, model number 5906. She was produced 2006-2008. I traded Lindy Pinkham for her back in. . .  oh I think it was 2019, maybe 2020. I'd have to dig back through my email to find it. She traded me a lot of CWBs for a lot of Walmart BB Unicorns. (If you are considering trading with her, do it. She's awesome to deal with. Our trade deal straddled the week that I lost my dog, and she was so caring and understanding about the length of time it was taking me to respond and ship. Double A+ trade partner rating from me. 🙃)

SDS Snow Meadow, Anglo-Arab, Fleabit Grey Mare.

The next SM is the Grey M1 MFT from the 70th Anniversary BB. I got this guy at my local TSC on the 4th of July. Every 4th of July, my town sets off fireworks from the swamp across from the plaza. The TSC is located in the plaza, and stays open late that night. I ran in while I was waiting for the show to start and grabbed him up. He is model number 6051 and was only produced in 2020.

Side note, the little fella has some sticky tack in the corner of his mouth from an old performance set-up, it is not a paint flaw. :)

SDS Don Quixote, MFT, Fleabit Grey Stallion.

Well, I guess that concludes the first post in the Collection Collective. Don't forget to post your name ideas for this "series" down in the comments! I would love to hear your ideas. :)


  1. Willow and Charlie . If you're looking for names for them. Happy new year!

    1. Oohh, thank you! They really are beautiful!

  2. Well hello Adah! I didn't know you had a blog! Cute horses! (We're working on a commission project right now, in case you were wondering who I am) Happy 2023! :)

    1. Wait, so this is Adah's blog? I often read comments with this name and wondered if there was blog by this name.

    2. Cool! Hi, Adah! Thanks AJ! Happy new year!

    3. Hey AJ! ;) Yep! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. :) Happy 2023!

      Hi Anonymous! Happy New Year! :D

    4. Hey! My name starts with an A too. I often comment with a "from C". You can can call me AC. Hello Adah! I love reading your Breyer comments.

    5. I hope to have my own little corner of the internet too.😁🤞. I'm thinking Phoenix Tack & Customs. I'll let you know when I open it!😁🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 AC

    6. Hi AC! :) That blog sounds pretty cool! I'm sure you'll do wonders with it. 💜

    7. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Ohh that's so nice of nice of you to say! This just made my day!!😭 I'm going to put you on my favorite blogs bar too! If that's okay with you? It would be an honor. Also I would love to make you some tack once I have experience. I'll let you know when. No charge whatsoever!!🙂

    8. Of course that would be okay! Thank you! :) I will follow yours too when yours gets published.

      Oh my, how sweet of you! You certainly don't need to do that. I will be just as happy to watch you create your masterpieces through the lens of your future blog! 🙂 💜

    9. I'd love to make you something. Be my pleasure!🙂


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