Saturday, January 14, 2023

Happy Campers ⛺

Back in November, I was contacted by a former customer, who asked me if I would consider doing a commission on two classic scale resins she was going to buy. I was not 100% sure I wanted to take on a project that large, but when she told me she was interested in Black Leopard and Black Blanket, I was hooked. The original plan was for them to arrive mid-late December, but due to weather, and holiday shipping delays, I didn't receive them until last week. That was a very good delay, as I had a few unexpected projects cross my desk during their original slot (Alborozo SMs are NOT designed to sustain falls from fifth level shelves).

The "brothers" are gorgeous. I love them. My photos do not due them justice. These are quickies that I took for the owner (AJ) this afternoon. My camera was at a tilt and the lighting is unsightly, but they were good for proof-of-life pics. 🙃 The photos were what delayed me posting this yesterday. XD

The resins are from Resins by Randy, and are Switchback and Turnpike. In the image below, the one on the left is Turnpike, and the right is Switchback.

Turnpike will be a black blanket appaloosa, and Switchback will be a black leopard. I have obtained AJ's permission to chronicle their creation process on the blog, so expect to see a lot more of these fellas!

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