Monday, February 6, 2023

0-60 In Under 2 Seconds

Life is so crazy right now! Last week, it was pretty calm, just a few projects running, a few randomly busy days, nothing insane. Then, right around Wednesday, things started happening. I agreed to finish judging an old show. I began the third layer of color on the resins. I got new restrictions from Breyer on the use of the JAHs (and it wasn't wonderful). I bought some new models. I got sick (really sick, all of last night and today. I'm mostly better now). A family member had a birthday. Groundhog Day came (and we really celebrate it around here!). I had four local volunteering programs in rapid fire succession. Our gas stove began leaking (all fixed now, no permanent damage). International Model Horse Painting Party (IMHPP) started, and I haven't even begun my painting (at least on my personal model, lots on the resins!). Oh, and I sliced a piece of my fingertip off from a run-in with a razor (it bled like a stuck hog!).

So I have a few photos, I tried to put captions on them. I'm exhausted right now, I only got three hours of sleep last night and worked hard all day, so I'll try for a more coherent post tomorrow or the next day. I have so many things to talk about! I'm sorry for the absence, I'll try to do better. Thanks for sticking with me!

One of several new additions!

My SM herd's tags were old, and I'm trying to update them.

Little sneeky peaky on how the resins are doing!

Finally finished this prop set, It's been a WIP on my paint shelf since December.


  1. The resin looks so wonderful! Sorry you were sick while things were hectic, feel better soon! And please tell your family member happy birthday for me if you can! AC

  2. Aww, Adah I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Thanks for taking the time to check in with us even with your busy schedule.


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